Wednesday, February 01, 2006

'Eats Shoots & Leaves' (Lynne Truss)

Lynne Truss’s Eats Shoots & Leaves has sold 3 million copies worldwide. And that’s just the hard-cover version! Which suggests that there are more punctuation sticklers out there than you’d think.

An unrepentant stickler myself, I shrieked when I spotted her new soft-cover version. It has a ‘Punctuation Repair Kit’ made up of bold black stickers: 24 commas, 4 full stops, and a glorious assortment of colons (normal and semi) and marks (exclamation and question).

Truss urges thus: “Sticklers unite, you have nothing to lose but your sense of proportion... Maybe we won’t change the world, but at least we’ll feel better. …at the same time, [don’t get] punched on the nose, or arrested for damage to private property.”

With delicious chapters including ‘The Seventh Sense’; ‘The Tractable Apostrophe’; ‘That’ll Do, Comma’; and ‘Cutting a Dash’, Truss continues (in this usefully handbag-sized edition) to elevate punctuation to the level it deserves: that of life or death. God bless her.

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